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Donkey Health Issues

Hoof Soaking for Abscesses

November 2019

By Sally DeNotta, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
This article was provided to TDA by J.P. Dubey, a
Microbiologist with the USDA ARS Animal Parasitic
Diseases Laboratory who is newly-elected (2010) to
the Agricultural Research Service Hall of Fame.


Of all domesticated animals, horses are the most sensitive to botulism. While being rare, this condition triggers a potentially fatal flaccid paralysis. This video will help you understand the causes of botulism and recognise its early signs.

Donkeys are NOT Small Horses
A Veterinarian Guide to Jack Castration

New Veterinary Guide to safe and
successful jack donkey castration.
Produced by Longhopes Donkey Shelter.
Featuring Jennifer Casebeer DVM.
Filmed by Chuck Richardson.

Colic: Equine Public Enemy #1
By Erin D. Malone, DVM Diplomat,
rican College of Veterinary Surgeons

Cushings Disease
Information Coming Soon

EHV-1 - Equine Herpesvirus Type 1

Equine Herpesvirus (EHV) Myeloencephalopathy
A Guide to Understanding the Neurologic Form of EHV Infection)


Red Bag Delivery

Below is a link to an instructional video taken of a red bag delivery. It gives a great visual of what it looks like and how to handle the situation.

WARNING: This video is very graphic and may not be suitable for all audiences.

Here is their web page with more helpful information:
Permission was given by owner to post. Filly is doing great. Thank you to these people for sharing such a helpful video!

Ringworm in Equines


An explanation of one of the most commonly
encountered respiratory diseases affecting equidae.

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