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American Donkey Association

Donkey Lovers and enthusiasts are proud to announce the formation of a new organization. American Donkey Association "ADA". ADA is being established to increase donkey shows and longear activities, promote education, encourage the welfare of the donkey and have FUN with fellow donkey lovers.


- ADA will focus on the miniature donkey and strive to expand existing NMDA sanctioned shows and high-quality training shows throughout the Southeast and Midwest. We will also focus on providing on-going information on health and training issues to our members, as well as promoting proper care of the donkey and the welfare of longears.


- Despite our attention initially to miniature donkeys, our passion is for donkeys of all sizes.


- Our Board of Directors is comprised of long-time miniature donkey breeders, newer farms, retired business executives, individuals with tremendous show experience in halter and performance and small farms with donkeys used for therapy purposes.


- We feel that showing donkeys, therapy work with donkeys and understanding donkeys is in its infancy and our goal is to assist in the growth of our industry through promotion of the breed(s).

Board of Directors

Katrina Fleener
Legendary Farm

Kim Milikowski
Foster Hill Farm
Vice President

Richard Fleener
Legendary Farm


Danielle Mayton
Country Cross
Board of Directors

Dayle Haworth
Half Ass Acres

Board of Directors

Elizabeth Grillo
Cypress Farm
Board of Directors

Jeff Clark
Board of Directors

Gene Stauffer
Wee Ass Haven
Board of Directors

We welcome everyone to contact us to learn more about the American Donkey Association and to join us for FUN donkey comaraderie and activities.

Click here for a membership application to join us!

Contact Information:
Katrina Fleener, President -

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