How do I Register my Donkey?
The most widely-recognized registry for donkeys is administered through the American Donkey and Mule Society (ADMS). For donkeys, there are two registry books; The Miniature Donkey Registry (MDR) which is for Mediterranean Miniature Donkeys only... and The American Donkey & Jackstock Registry (ADR).
Registration through ADMS (American Donkey & Mule Society):
- You must be a member of ADMS.
- This registry is a non-profit registry.
- All sizes of donkeys can be registered: miniatures, standards and mammoths.
- Both donkey's parents must be registered through the ADMS registry, in the MDR book, to be registered MDR.
- If donkeys' parents are not registered MDR, then they would be registered in the ADR book.
- Jacks and Jennets need to have inspection form filled out for ADR registration application. Inspection form is not required for geldings, since they cannot reproduce.
- If a first-generation ADR donkey is bred to an MDR donkey.... and its offspring continue to be bred to MDR donkeys, then that donkey's great grandchildren will be eligible for an upgrade to the MDR book.
- The donkey must have some type of identification such as a microchip, tattoo, or DNA verified.
- Your donkey must be registered with this registry to show in NMDA shows.
Reference ADMS Website for more Info:
ADMS Website: www.lovelongears.com
MDR Application: regbook_2013 (lovelongears.com)
ADR Application: regbook_2013 (lovelongears.com)
Inspection Form: Inspection Form (lovelongears.com)
​​​Registration through ACOSA (American Council of Spotted Asses):
- You do not need to be a member of ACOSA.
- To qualify for registration with the American Council of Spotted Asses, your donkey must have at least two spots visible on a photograph, behind the throatlatch and above the legs.
- All sizes of donkeys can be registered: miniatures, standards and mammoths.
- Your donkey must be registered with this registry to show in ACOSA classes usually offered at NMDA shows.
ACOSA Website: www.spottedass.com
Please refer to the ACOSA website for additional requirements.
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