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Photos of Besnoitiosis
Scleral Lesions of Besnotia Bennetti
(photograph by Charles Musitano)
Nasal Lesions of Besnotia Bennetti
(photograph by Charles Musitano)
Perineal Lesions of Besnotia Bennetti
(photograph by Charles Musitano)
Photo of Besnotia Bennetti signs in the eye
This photo shows lichenification of the muzzle
(hardening of the skin creating a leathery affect)
which is a symptom of Besnoitiosis.
This photo shows lesions in the groin area.
This photos shows a Miniature Donkey that had multiple, crusty lesions
on his body which were not apparent until the animal was shaved down.
Photo of Besnotia Bennetti signs on face
Photo of signs of Besnotia Bennetti on vulva area
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